Beth Jackson

Grange ward - Wyndham City Council

Hi, I’m Beth. I’m running as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe Wyndham residents deserve better. Politicians at all levels of government are in the pockets of the rich. In a wealthy society like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life. Today, the people at the top are seeing their wealth grow rapidly, while the rest of us are left behind. Wyndham Council can and should take measures to address the cost of living crisis and make society more fair and equal. I’ve been a community organiser and activist for almost a decade. I’ve been involved in campaigns for free education, public housing, against racism and for action on climate change. In recent times, I’ve campaigned in solidarity with the people of Palestine against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. I believe councils should be a place where questions of social justice are raised and acted on.