To change our politics in Australia, we need energetic and bold young people who are ready to stand up and create a new type of politics. 

At Run for It, our commitment to better policy outcomes for future generations come first, so we only support young people who are aligned to our values and accountable to the wider movements for social change.

Our Values


Climate Justice

We believe that everyone should have access to a safe and healthy climate and environment and that, in finding sustainable solutions to the climate crisis, working with those who are most affected by it will be key. To do this, our economy needs to change to help reduce fossil fuel emissions and transition Australia to sustainable practices to protect help our planet for future generations.

Economic Justice

We believe that young people, no matter their circumstances or identity, should be able to study what they love, be paid a living wage for their work, find work they are passionate about, and live in safe accommodation without being overwhelmed with debt.

Social Justice

We believe that opportunities, and privileges should be fairly distributed within a society. No person should be treated differently based on their race, background, gender, sexuality, able-bodiedness or class.  We will fight against discrimination wherever we see it. We will be actively anti-racist and work to dismantle systems of oppression.