Liliana Carranza

City of Port Phillip, Elwood ward

Hi, I'm Liliana. As a lifelong Elwood local, I've seen how our community thrives when we stick together. The pandemic has shown how much we need to back our local businesses, culture and arts,  more than ever.

Elwood's natural beauty and liveability is under huge threat from the climate crisis. We are  experiencing increasingly severe and erratic weather every year. More Greens on council will push for real action to protect our neighbourhood.

We need to make smart choices, so everyone feels comfortable and welcome in our neighbourhood. As your councillor, I’ll fight for affordable, accessible housing and support for people in our community.

I’m eager to listen to the people of Elwood and act with their best interests in mind. With your support, we can build a more resilient, progressive Elwood. Your vote is powerful.