Kashmir Miller

Greens candidate - Lismore City Council

 I have grown up in Lismore, and been politically engaged with Lismore Council since my early teens. I’m currently studying law at SCU, and am the youngest candidate for Council. I want a seat at the table for the sake of all young people.

Over the years I have actively participated in community activities such as Lismore Lantern Parade, Friends of the Koala and Lock the Gate. I have learnt valuable leadership skills through these, as a convenor of our local Greens, as a student representative for SCU and a youth spokesperson in the media.

Lismore Council area needs to be more accessible and inviting to young people. I have seen too many people leave here for city areas. Young people need better access to public transport, so we can travel to visit our friends, attend sporting and cultural events and have better access to employment. In the process.

Council needs to make us ready for a future that reduces the impacts of climate change, because if we are not, it will be my generation that will be most at threat, and those after us. The next few years are crucial for achieving this goal. Council must stay focused on finding creative and sustainable solutions to the effects of climate change – higher rainfall, deeper droughts, bushfires in our rainforest, and hotter temperatures.

Local government has responsibility for implementing some key programs, such as planning for future water sustainability, circular waste strategies – environmentally sustainable planning that preserves our natural environment, as well as servicing the core responsibilities like roads, rates and business. We need to learn from the tragic and extreme events of the past few years and move forward together stronger and more prepared than ever before.

I want to see development that is environmentally sustainable, and transparent planning strategies based on community needs, like affordable housing – planning that doesn’t overlook the low-waged and vulnerable people in our community. It will take forward-thinking progressive representatives on Council to get us where we need to go, and I will be that person for Lismore.

We are really lucky to have a region full of beautiful places that locals and tourists alike love to visit – our villages like The Channon and Nimbin, and surrounding rural areas and forests are popular tourist spots. Our rich biodiversity, and cultural diversity are two of our greatest assets. When Council cares for these places and invests in tourism, we are richer for it.

Throughout my law degree, I have focused my studies to assist me in the role of Councillor. I have studied local government and planning law so I can have a proper understanding of the framework within which Council operates.

Lismore needs a Councillor who will speak for the young people in our area, and I’m ready


Imogen Draisma


Kurt Cheng